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Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021  

9-10 a.m.
Special Give Back Micro Session: Chapter Volunteer Leadership
Maegan Moore, Kris Harvey, and Nicole Lomers

Have you ever wanted to learn more about a local chapter? The RBMA is a service organization and throughout its 52-year history, it is the volunteers who have guided the association through growth, changes and many successes. Over the past 10 years, the Chapter program has grown tremendously, now covering 32 states with plans to grow even more in the future. But we need volunteers like you willing to take up the charge! Join us for this Special Give Back Micro-Session Breakfast and hear the experiences from three Chapter leaders. During the session, these leaders will also share the time and effort involved in volunteering at the local level and the many benefits and opportunities. This special micro-session includes a delicious breakfast for all attendees.

At the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Know how the local chapters fit in the RBMA’s structure and goals.
  • Recognize the various roles within a Chapter and the path to Leadership.
  • Identify volunteer opportunities to determine which role best fit your level of experience, knowledge, and time.

Experience Level: All Levels

9-10 a.m.
Creating Pathways Towards Better Health Outcomes and Lower TCO  
Wendy Lawless

As a Radiology Business Manager, you recognize that the field of Radiology and Imaging continues to grow exponentially, and clinicians have demands upon them to deliver accelerated and accurate care for their patients and the imaging technologists to have the ability to confidentially complete studies in support of patients and radiology. During this session hear how connecting data, technology, and people   can enhance clinical confidence, increase operational efficiencies, alleviate clinical burnout, and optimize your workflow.  There is no limit to what we can do together because today health knows no bounds, and neither should healthcare. 

At the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Discuss how an integrated approach to connected systems enables you to improve patient and staff experience
  • Recognize how AI delivers confidence and accelerate workflow in your own practice/departments
  • Know where the future of CT technology is heading and understand the difference between Spectral and Conventional CT

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9-10:15 a.m.
Communication: Connecting through Conversations
Chantel Seymore

Much of a frontline leader’s work is accomplished through conversations, from the everyday routine to the extreme and tough challenges. Effective leaders can get things done through others by paying attention to the people doing the work. In this session, leaders who know how to engage the business outcome of the conversation—is just as critical as recognizing and addressing people’s feelings such as being respected or appreciated. During the session, leaders recognize the role of emotional intelligence in success as a leader as they develop foundational leadership skills that apply to the wide range of workplace situations they must handle.

At the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Conduct conversations that achieve the intended business goals.
  • Recognize and react to emotions (their own and others’) present in work situations.
  • Communicate and respond in ways that meet the unique personal needs of team members and others.

Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

10:15-11:30 a.m.
The Best Place to Work: Creating Safe and Equitable Work Environments for All
Dr. Tiffany Love PhD, APRN, FACHE, GNP, ANP-BC, CHC

Finding the perfect job that inspires you to be ambitious and successful is challenging. Creating a work environment in which staff are inspired and engaged can be even more elusive. There are a variety of strategies companies enlist to improve recruitment and retention of the best and brightest in the healthcare workforce. More importantly, with the launch of Time’s Up Healthcare, employees are no longer willing to tolerate anything but a safe and equitable workplace free from harassment of any kind.

At the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Identify evidence-based strategies that promote excellence and equity in the workplace
  • Collaborate with your team on creating a supportive and safe work environment
  • Develop a vibrant team that is reengaged with a renewed commitment to the organization

1-2 p.m.

  • Out of Network Restrictions--What You Need to Know
    Ed Gaines, JD, CCP

    The physician and hospital stakeholders have been actively advocating for IDR as the preferred method for resolving Out of Network (OON) reimbursement disputes between clinicians and health plans. In the past 2 years, Congress has come close to passing OON and Balanced Billing (BB) restrictions for hospital-based clinicians—will that have changed by 2021? With the passage of state laws in NY (2015), TX (2019), and GA (2020) (among other states), the states are leading the way with balanced laws that protect patients while providing clinicians with an outlet for resolving reimbursement disputes—16 states in total now have laws that provide some level of patient protection from OON/BB but they vary greatly on the issues of whether IDR is meaningful and accessible to clinicians.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Describe meaning, significance, and implications on ERISA plans which are largely regulated under federal law
    • Read the features of the terms and conditions and how they may have implications for the future
    • Recognize the key features of OON/BB legislation in several leading states and what these models could mean for radiologists and their practices

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

  • Innovative Approach to Patient Experience: Psychophysics and Patient-Focused Imaging
    Janet Hoffman, MHA, CPXP

    In 2004 Malcolm Gladwell presented a now-famous TED Talk titled “Choice, happiness, and spaghetti sauce”. In the talk, Gladwell explains the discipline of psychophysics and how psychophysics is used to maximize consumer happiness. In sum, he teaches that you have a more diverse customer base than you think, and people cannot express what they want until it is shown to them. Numerous consumer brands have adopted these principles to increase market share and profitability. In this session, we will discuss as a group how these principles can be applied to imaging services, and in doing so, consider how radiology compares to other industries taking into account lessons learned from other business sectors. By considering these new principles, we can improve not only the patient experience but the staff experience as well. This will be a thought-provoking, interactive session with audience participation required.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Articulate the wants and needs of a diverse patient base
    • Adopt principles of service recovery gleaned from other industries
    • Consider for their practice as a more innovative/patient-focused model.

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

  • Incidental Findings Follow-up: Benchmarking & Best Practices
    Rebecca Farrington and Rick Grodin

    Establishing, and managing, and incidental findings follow-up program is a challenging endeavor, but an important one to help optimize patient care and safety. In this presentation, we will outline key considerations in three areas to assist organizations in establishing and/or improving their incidental findings follow-up program in the emergency department setting. First, we will discuss a methodology to measure your current patient follow-up rate baseline, as well as outline potential roadblocks that you may stumble upon while obtaining this important measurement. Second, we will share aggregated, de-identified baseline data from several groups to provide your practice with a benchmark for comparison purposes. Finally, we will outline selected best practices that can be utilized to improve your patient follow-up return rate and ultimately close the loop on incidental findings.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Discover the methodology and nuances related to establishing pre-incidental findings follow up program baseline.
    • Analyze aggregate baseline incidental findings follow up program data presented for your comparison.
    • Consider what your organization needs to do to prepare for and support the process of implementing an incidental findings follow up program.

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

  • AUC: Storm or Whisper?
    Melody Mulaik, MSHS, RCC, CPC

    CMS has chosen to extend the testing period for an additional year leaving many organizations to wonder how to move forward. While imaging centers have the ability to be more nimble, healthcare systems that haven't already implemented programs will use the time to perform additional testing, education ordering providers and work to address other areas of concern. All stakeholders should use 2021 as a time to work through implementation concerns to ensure there is not a negative impact to reimbursement. This session will focus on implementation challenges are well as appropriate measurements and metrics to evaluate your progress so that continual improvements can be maintained. This session will review the good, the bad and the ugly of implementation and discuss how to continue to implement and refine processes to ensure compliance.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Review appropriate measurements and metrics to evaluate ongoing AUC compliance and success.
    • Discuss creative solutions to address ordering provider concerns.
    • Learn from and share lessons with fellow attendees to further your AUC implementation journey.

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

  • Ransomware Attack
    Barbara Rubel, MBA, FRBMA, and Becca Goare, MPH, CHBME

    This session will cover the lessons learned by a large billing company when faced with a ransomware attack followed almost immediately by a global pandemic. Topics discussed related to a ransomware attack will include a) the importance of developing a Crisis Communications Team with clear definitions of its purpose and responsibilities; b) strategies to protect your organization from future events; and c) what constitutes a breach for purposes of the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule. There will be a focus on the efforts undertaken to eliminate the threat and to mitigate future threats with a focus on cyber security, disaster planning and recovery, and workforce issues. The global pandemic has also presented a myriad of challenges and the focus will be on similar issues such as a communications strategy for both within the organization and with outside vendors and Clients and the shift from a “bricks and mortar” operation to a work-from-home environment.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Discuss the importance of addressing cyber security in the workplace.
    • Identify the critical steps to recover from a ransomware attack.
    • Compare responses to a cyber security threat with responses to a global pandemic.

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

2:45-3:45 p.m.

  • Application of Goal Oriented Road Maps for Strategic Positioning
    Keith Chew, MHA, CMPE, FRBMA

    The most successful companies in the US utilize Goal Oriented Road Maps for product development. An outcome-based approach to road mapping does not fundamentally change product or process strategy, it just impacts how your team reaches its goals. By fixating on end results instead of specific deliverables or process steps, life no longer becomes all about how fast a widget reaches the market, but whether or not objectives are being achieved. During the session, the presenter walks presenters through goal oriented road mapping, how it is applied in healthcare, and why goal oriented road mapping is a beneficial process.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Create a road mapping strategy to meet your team or organizational goals
    • Develop the appropriate deliverables to meet the desired end results
    • Measure how well the objectives were met against the required ROI.

    Experience Level: Experienced Professionals

  • Lessons Learned from an OCR Investigation & Corrective Action Plan
    Loretta Maddox Verbeck, MS, FACMPE, CHC

    Is your Security Risk Analysis (SRA) up to the standards of the OCR? Would it pass as an accurate and thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information held by your practice? If your SRA did meet the OCR criteria, have you taken the next step and developed a Risk Management Plan? This session will help you answer those questions. You will learn valuable tips from our speaker’s first-hand experience assisting a client with an OCR investigation and subsequent technical assistance and corrective action plan. These tips will help you ensure that your SRA meets HIPAA Security Rule requirements. It will also provide you with important information about the Risk Management process, once an SRA is complete.

    At the end of the session you will be able to:

    • Identify gaps in your existing security risk assessment process.
    • Learn how to create an accurate and complete ePHI inventory
    • Prioritize identified risks in a way that makes sense for your organization

    Experience Level: New Professionals 

3:45-4:30 p.m.
Wine Down Roundtable: Tips to Create Excellence and Equity in the Workplace
Dr. Tiffany Love, PhD, APRN, FACHE, GNP, ANP-BC, CHC

We hope your time with colleagues was as much fun for you as it has been for us. Grab a glass of wine and let’s talk, share, and learn from one another how we are creating excellence and equity in the workplace. Using real-life examples, some funny, you are sure to walk away with some Aha moments to share with your team back home. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and meet new people.  

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