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Membership Types

Active - Any individual actively engaged in the business of radiology that is not faculty, a student, a recent graduate, or a vendor.

Faculty - Anyone who is considered full-time faculty at an academic institution.  Members must provide proof of full-time faculty status.

Student or Recent Grad - Student or recent grad membership is for those attending 2- or 4-year institutions, internships, residency or fellowship programs. 

Corporate Partner - Corporate Partner membership is available to vendors of equipment, services or supplies that improve or support the administration of radiology practices.

Packages - I'm actually interested in a pack of memberships for a team. Click here >>

Membership Dues

Member Type   Jan-Dec  Apr-Dec  Jul-Dec  Oct-Dec ( of the following yr)
Active  $475   $355  $235  $575 (Now $475!)
Faculty  $235   $235  $235 $235
Recent Grad  $100  $100  $100  $100
Student  $25  $25  $25  $25
(includes 2 individuals)
 $1,600  $1,300  $1000  $2,000